Rotary Club thanks East County organizations and residents for successful toy drive

Courtesy Photo. Kids sit in the middle of donated stuffed animals, part of a toy drive that brought in roughly 4,000 donations from communities around San Diego, including East County.

The Care ‘n Share Toy Drive 2019, a project of Torrey Pines Rotary Club, is pleased to announce distribution of over 12,850 new and gently used stuffed animals donated to our collection drive during the San Diego County Fair. 

“We could not have done this without the wonderful support of the entire San Diego region!” said Nancy Stoke, club chair. “It is heartwarming to see the smiles on the faces of the children who choose to donate their prizes so that another child can play with them, and then the delighted faces of the children who receive the donations.”

A hearty thanks goes out to the staff at the Santee Library, the Fletcher Hills Library and the Rancho San Diego Library for hosting collection boxes, and also to the wonderful East County area residents who filled the collection boxes to overflowing!

Thanks too to NCL Poway Chapter and NCL Del Sol Chapter for their help at the Fair, and to Del Mar Plaza, Two Men and a Truck, and Affordable Printer Care for their logistical support. 

The stuffed animal donations have been distributed to eight local organizations serving health and welfare needs of children in the region.

Founded by Stoke in 2009, San Diegans have donated and the Care ‘n Share Toy Drive has distributed over 95,000 toys to put smiles on the faces of children in need. For more information or to donate, go to