Submit Letters To The Editor

Letters Policy:

The East County Californian welcomes your letters. Please fill out the fields below, the phone number is for verification purposes only. Anonymous letters and letters with initials or pseudonyms will not be published. Letters under 400 words are preferred.

The East County Californian reserves the right to edit letters for length, grammar, spelling, punctuation, libel, good taste or any reason deemed necessary. All letters become the property of the East County Californian and cannot be returned.

Letters can also be sent in the following ways:
– The e-mail address is
– The fax number is (619) 441-0020
– The mailing address is:
Albert Fulcher
East County Californian
119 N. Magnolia Ave. El Cajon, CA 92020
Questions? Please call (619) 619-441-0400

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