Days after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, businesses and communities around the globe, including El Cajon, felt the effects as government and health officials worked to stop the spread of the coronavirus. On March 13 schools throughout the county shut down campuses and social isolation guidelines were issued to communities asking residents to limit their time outside and avoid gathering in large groups. By March 22 state and local authorities placed restrictions on public gatherings and ordered people to stay at home unless they were engaged in essential activity such as grocery shopping, seeking medical care, attending to a loved one or engaged in outdoor activity with no more than immediate family. As a result many businesses have directed their employees to work remotely, ceased operation temporarily or, in the case of restaurants, offer pickup service only. In El Cajon many eateries have closed indefinitely. Pictured is Main Street Donuts and Deli which, according to its Facebook page, has closed its Main Street storefront temporarily.