Letter to the Editor- “No charges for officer in fatal shooting of Alfred Olango”

I am answering the question about the Attorney’s conclusion of the shooting of Alfred Olango. My answer is-yes-why?

I am answering the question about the Attorney’s conclusion of the shooting of Alfred Olango. My answer is-yes-why?

It’s plan and simple. Olango didn’t appreciate the country that allowed him to come in as a refugee (from Uganda), instead he broke the law many times with his drug dealings and served time. Had a firearm conviction in Colorado and served time. The U.S. tried to deport him, but his own country didn’t want anything to do with him. This was a man who never learned to abide by the law (or follow instruction)!

I also think the sister of Alfred Olango owes an apology to all the business owners in El Cajon for the weeklong disruption.

I have lived in El Cajon for 56 years and I am 92 years old and holding.


Jayne Pla

El Cajon