Teens become isolated with the use of social media


Teens isolate themselves due to the effects of social media.  Social media has become a tremendous part of a teenagers life. It is rare to meet a teen who is not on any social sites.

Teens who use social media are becoming an isolated generation. This ties to body image and addiction.

Teens isolate themselves due to the effects of social media.  Social media has become a tremendous part of a teenagers life. It is rare to meet a teen who is not on any social sites.

Teens who use social media are becoming an isolated generation. This ties to body image and addiction.

As a teenager your brain is still growing and developing and can be easily affected by the lack of human interaction. If you spend all your time on social media your social skills will not improve. Blowing people off, cancelling plans because you have more important things to do such as work on your Instagram ‘feed.’

On Instagram you are creating an aesthetic. It is required to have a theme, meaning a-like photos with the same color scheme. Depending on who you follow you will have suggestions and popular post you might like. 

This is creating a frustrated and insecure generation. They are objectified, told if considered attractive or not. They are obsessed with the way they appear on photographs and what kind of captions apply to them. It is a whole complicated process that has to be recognized. After posting, they move on to the criticism aka comments. Cyberbullying is present, leading to more negative factors. Obsessing over the amount of likes they received and the amount of followers they keep. When they are keeping track of their likes it can lead to addiction. UCLA brain mapping center found that certain regions of the brain would be activated by social media “likes.”

Followers are not real. They are not the actual, physical people who are there to love you. Isolating yourself because you are too focused on social media is unacceptable. 

Our teens are overwhelmed with the competition that comes from social media. There is a specific way you have to look, or a stereotype you have to fit. If you are not on social media you are an automatic outcast. 

This generation is living in a bubble. They are only aware of what they see online, what they see on their own little world.

Parents need to manage the time teens spend on social media. This generation is full of lost souls, who are sleepwalking, non-present. They are not living. They are focused in the strategy game known as social media.