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Tag: COVID-19

What Medicare recipients need to know about COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has announced that adults over the age of 60 and those with chronic medical conditions are...

Grossmont will have closed campus

The Grossmont Union High School District (GUHSD) sent out an update on the coming school year on July 20, 2020, to announce their cooperation...

Scam call or real call? What to know

The coronavirus and U.S. Census are making answering your phone fashionable again. But just because you know you might be receiving a call from...

Simple ways to save after being laid off or furloughed

Provided by MCS The outbreak of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 had a dramatic effect on the global economy. Businesses were shuttered seemingly overnight as public...

10 things you aren’t cleaning, but should be

The average working American spends 58 minutes a day on housework, but somewhere between scrubbing and scouring, your cleaning regime may be falling short....

Protect America’s nursing home residents against COVID-19

By Seema Verma Administrator, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Nursing homes have become ground zero in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, with outbreaks...

Uptick in COVID cases

On June 28 the County of San Diego reported 12,334 positive COVID-19 tests, 1,747 hospitalizations, with 479 in intensive care units and 361 deaths...

GUHSD prepares for the best and worst of times

Grossmont Union High School District serves more than 21,000 students with14 high schools, adult education and its Regional Occupational Program. As the governor and legislature...

Churches, leaders adjusting to re-opening

Three weeks after the state provided guidelines for California churches to reopen their public services, many are still struggling to accommodate both the regulations...

Stuck on La Mesa

They are everywhere – hanging off the side of the Walmart in Grossmont Center, posted up by the police station, stickering lamp posts in...