Nominate your community hero

Supervisor Joel Anderson

By Jind Kaur Mann
Provided by Supervisor Joel Anderson’s office

Everyone knows a “hero” who has made a positive impact on their personal lives or their community. Whether it be a neighbor who goes the extra mile for someone in need, a teacher who reignites one’s love for learning, or a coach who helps students achieve their goals, there is no shortage of kindness amongst County Supervisor Joel Anderson’s constituents.

While serving in the California State Senate in 2014, Supervisor Anderson passed Senate Concurrent Resolution 97, which designated every October as “California Heroes Month.” The idea to propose this resolution originated from a constituent who felt that everyday heroes should receive appreciation.

In celebration of this year’s California Heroes Month, Supervisor Anderson is asking residents for help to recognize the people who make District 2 such a wonderful place to live, work, and play.

Who is your hero that deserves recognition? Nominate them at

All nominees will be invited to an upcoming event in October and receive a County Certificate of Recognition signed by Supervisor Anderson.

Nominees must live in the Second Supervisorial District; visit to see ifyour hero lives in District 2.

Nominations are due by September 30, 2023.

Jind Kaur Mann is an executive intern at the Office of Supervisor Joel Anderson.