Lakeside residents say sad farewell to rodeo icon

Lakeside Rodeo old sign.jpg

Standing since the early 1970s, the Lakeside rodeo sign has been a familiar icon to Lakeside residents as well as generations of rodeo fans for more than 30 years. The sign at the Lakeside Arena was recently taken down on Jan. 10.

“We have been having a lot of trouble over the last few years keeping it repaired and in working condition. It was just time for a new sign,” said Don Hickle of the El Capitan Stadium Association. When asked about what will happen to the old sign, Don said that only a few pieces would be saved and the rest would be scrapped.

Standing since the early 1970s, the Lakeside rodeo sign has been a familiar icon to Lakeside residents as well as generations of rodeo fans for more than 30 years. The sign at the Lakeside Arena was recently taken down on Jan. 10.

“We have been having a lot of trouble over the last few years keeping it repaired and in working condition. It was just time for a new sign,” said Don Hickle of the El Capitan Stadium Association. When asked about what will happen to the old sign, Don said that only a few pieces would be saved and the rest would be scrapped.

As it has in the past, the new sign will communicate to travelers and the community the upcoming events of the arena, including rodeo information, local events and occasions such as proposals, achievements, births, as well as farewells to those who have gone before us.

Instead of the old soft glow in the sky where the sign once stood, there is now a new brightly lit full-color digital sign which will watch over the next generation of rodeo fans .

Pami Boots of Lakeside described the sentiments of many Lakeside residents when she said, “I heard the call of ‘Let’s rodeo.’ I heard the sounds of laughter, I witnessed the tears and watched generations walk under me. Good bye, old sign, job well done,” she concluded.