Cheers to a better you

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As the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, we reached our annual finish line.  We made it, but we have to start the race again. 

As the clock struck midnight on Dec. 31, we reached our annual finish line.  We made it, but we have to start the race again. 

We jump into the New Year blind folded, hoping for an automatic clean slate. Even though the year changes, it is not going to magically fix everything. There is nothing wrong with looking forward to fresh beginnings with new friends and journeys that have yet to come. However, decisions we have made in 2017 will follow us into 2018, and relationships we have wounded, still wait to be bandaged. It is up to us to make changes. 

As 365 days have passed, we start to reflect on our actions. We look back on all the friends we lost, and the new friendships we unexpectedly gained. Decisions we have made to travel across the world, or to accept a new job position, changed our lives forever. Strolling down memory lane, you start to feel nostalgic while different emotions are being thrown at you. Regardless if 2017 was filled with happy or sad memories, the satisfaction of making it through the year is simply the best. 

For me, 2017 was the year I woke up to reality. I learned, cried, loved, laughed, and most importantly I became a better me. I am still a work in progress, but 2018 is the year to further achieve my goals. 

Creating resolutions is a great motivation for the New Year. Whether it is a long term or short-term goal, the feeling of success is something everyone aches to accomplish. Unfortunately, many of us give up too easily by February. It is easier said than done. 

Nowadays, I believe the trend is what makes us hungry for change. Our drive shifted to conforming to society, rather than adjustments that will benefit our personal well being. Let’s make this year different. A year where we strive for personal development and new adventures, for ourselves. Give yourself a pat on the back for 2017. You did amazing.

Now, here is to 2018. A new and better version of ourselves.