B. J. Coleman, a contributor to The East County Californian, was recently recognized for excellence in writing on veteran’s issues. At the American Legion’s Department of California Convention, the California American Legion Press Association on June 27 tapped Coleman to receive both of the First Place William E. Rominger Awards for individual writers. The statewide competition is staged annually.
B. J. Coleman, a contributor to The East County Californian, was recently recognized for excellence in writing on veteran’s issues. At the American Legion’s Department of California Convention, the California American Legion Press Association on June 27 tapped Coleman to receive both of the First Place William E. Rominger Awards for individual writers. The statewide competition is staged annually.
CALPA bestowed on Coleman the First Place Rominger Award for Best Editorial published in an American Legion-affiliated publication. The award was for her story “La Mesa Post 282 Hosts Heartland Vietnam War Memorial Rededication,” which appeared in the Veterans Day 2014 edition of 22nd District Legionnaire. The article was an expanded version of her earlier article, “Heartland Vietnam War Memorial rededicated on Flag Day,” from The East County Californian of June 19, 2014.
Her other First Place Rominger Award, for a publication not associated with The American Legion, was “Santee’s American Legion Post 364 mentors similar North County Post revival.” That article was in The East County Californian on November 6, 2014.