Cal Fire battles ignitions in San Diego County, acreage burn remains low


Cal Fire fought three outbreaks on Tuesday, June 12, bringing the total number of fires in San Diego County in the last seven days up to eight.

Tuesday’s Miller, Huey and De Luz fires were preceded by the Church fire in Valley Center on Monday and the Chaparral fire in Campo on Saturday. 

Cal Fire fought three outbreaks on Tuesday, June 12, bringing the total number of fires in San Diego County in the last seven days up to eight.

Tuesday’s Miller, Huey and De Luz fires were preceded by the Church fire in Valley Center on Monday and the Chaparral fire in Campo on Saturday. 

Although the number of individual fires may seem high, Cal Fire Capt. Issac Sanchez said the actual amount of acreage burned is lower than last year’s.

“Sometimes we get a lot of ignition, sometimes we don’t,” said Sanchez. “As of Monday, our statewide numbers were higher than last year but our acreage burned is down.”

According to Cal Fire’s numbers at the beginning of the week, there have been 1,860 fires in the state this year, burning 1,4535 acres. This time last year, there were 1,662 fires, which burned 2,6124 acres.

Sanchez said the state is on par for its five-year average.

Heartland Fire’s 2018 wildfire preparedness guide recommends that individuals take measures to prevent fires from reaching their homes.

“Create and maintain an area approximately 30 feet away from your home that is free of anything that will burn, such as wood piles, dried leaves, newspapers, brush, and other landscaping that can burn,” the guide states. “From 30 feet to 100 feet reduce or replace as much of the most flammable vegetation as possible and prune vegetation, create ‘fuel breaks,’ such as driveways, gravel walkways, and lawns.”

The list also recommends developing an escape route in the case of a wildfire near residents’ homes, having a communication plan in the case of evacuation, being familiar with local emergency protocol and restocking medical emergency kits.