Being open about sexual history

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taboo topic for centuries, talking about sex is common today. While it is now a conversation people are more comfortable to have, it is still a subject we are learning more about.

Many men and women in their late teens and early twenties do not consider implications of one-night stands and first-date hookups. There is nothing wrong with the act, but as with any other activity, if care is not taken, it can have lifelong consequences 

taboo topic for centuries, talking about sex is common today. While it is now a conversation people are more comfortable to have, it is still a subject we are learning more about.

Many men and women in their late teens and early twenties do not consider implications of one-night stands and first-date hookups. There is nothing wrong with the act, but as with any other activity, if care is not taken, it can have lifelong consequences 

Casual sex is not a problem of promiscuity as much as Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs). Past history is a fair topic when considering having sex with someone. As embarrassing as it may be to have that talk with a partner, it is worse to end up having that talk with a doctor.

Having sex with someone is comparable to having sex with everyone the other person has been with.

What they have been exposed to is what you will be exposed to.

There are many people who are responsible in disclosing that they have a disease or infection. Unfortunately though, STD carriers do not always know they are infected and a potential partner may have no way of being able to tell visually because there may not be signs or symptoms.

Half of the newly infected are between the ages of 15-24. It is crucial at all ages of sexual activity to continuously get tested. Testing services are abundant and fit the needs of people of all economic backgrounds. College campuses often offer free testing. Sites such as Planned Parenthood offer cheap if not free check ups. Sexual health needs to be a priority.

It is amazing that in this day and age, with all of the educational programs and commercials that air in various venues tailored to young people that the transmission of STDs has not decreased over the past several decades. In fact, the transmission of STDs has increased.

If a disease or infection is contracted, it is likely that it is manageable. While most STDs do not currently have a cure, there is treatment and support from those in similar situations. It is not leprosy, it is a common ailment that is being researched daily and is becoming more understood, possibly closer to being cured.

Most Americans receive their first formal sexual education somewhere between sixth-eighth grades. Sadly, sex education stops there for some. Sex is a natural and inevitable act, so information and thoughtfulness need to be part of the process. A good rule to abide by is if you are not absolutely sure, then you absolutely should not do it.