Public invited to forum on mobility, efficiency

Transportation officials are hosting a meeting to understand needs and challenges of mobility in East County.

The County of San Diego Planning & Development Services is holding a public meeting to discuss Spring Valley Mobility Options Via Efficient Solutions (MOVES) part of the County’s Community Based Transportation Program. Spring Valley MOVES intends to bring Spring Valley residents, community organizations, and county staff together to identify transportation challenges and needs in the local community. The Spring Valley MOVES plan will serve as a visioning document designed to enhance transportation options and accessibility within the Spring Valley focus area to improve mobility, safety, and connectivity for all types of transportation. In this meeting we will discuss project goals and objectives, existing conditions, and potential mobility improvements and programs to respond to your needs. PDS is hosting this in-person, public meeting to receive your input on Jan. 29 at 6 p.m.

For more information about the Project or to register for the event, visit