Transgender lifestyle is rebellion against society and laws of nature

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In the last decades, we’ve seen an increasing number of males who think they are female and females who think they are male and who identify themselves transgender. Transgenderism is identifying with a gender opposite of the person’s assigned sex at birth. Today, 0.6 percent of Americans identify as transgender, that’s 1.4 million Americans according to UCLA studies. The problem with transgenderism is people address it as a controversial lifestyle, rather than anosognosic disorder where people deny reality.

In the last decades, we’ve seen an increasing number of males who think they are female and females who think they are male and who identify themselves transgender. Transgenderism is identifying with a gender opposite of the person’s assigned sex at birth. Today, 0.6 percent of Americans identify as transgender, that’s 1.4 million Americans according to UCLA studies. The problem with transgenderism is people address it as a controversial lifestyle, rather than anosognosic disorder where people deny reality.

The whole argument behind the transgender theory is that sex and gender are two different concepts. Genitals define sex while gender is a social construct imposed by society and its perceived norms. Which is exactly like saying that a person’s birthday does not define their age, or a person’s income does not define their economic status, does not work that way, right?

But the idea of transgenderism is no new concept to the world of psychology, its history goes back to the times of the Roman Empire but the condition planted its roots officially back in 1946 in the UK in what was known medically as Gender Dysphoria.

The problem with our generation is that people are scared of offending others, and would rather live in their own bubble and ignore the facts. We have seen numerous public figures embracing the transgender phenomenon such as Bruce Jenner’s, Laverne Cox, and Lea T.

Here are some of the many ways transgenderism is affecting societies negatively as a whole.

Romantic Life: gender dysphoria can be quite problematic when it comes to relationships. No matter when the person decides to come out as “trans,” it will still affect their love life, whether that is after years of being in a relationship where it makes their partner confused and feeling betrayed or after a short while of getting in a relationship where it leaves the partner feeling misled and confused in addition of the question of the nature of sexual orientation of a trans person and their partner.

Athletics and other gender associated activities: female transgender athletes bring quite the controversy. Men and women have different physiques, no doubt in that. When a male (transgender female) plays on a women sports team he does have the advantage of being faster than most other players which is unfair to the opposing team and other players who are giving their best but don’t necessarily have the same height and bone structure. 

Chaos in society: the main problem with the transgender movement is that it does not encourage people to embrace their true self, rather it encourages them to rebel against society and laws of nature.

Not only that, about 71 percent of people suffering from transgenderism, suffer from other mental illness, which makes it harder for them to blend in with society and function. Sadly, there is no treatment for this psychological disorder but seeing psychologist and talking about inner battles helps the person come to peace with themselves and reach logic again. What we as a society can do to help end this disease of confusion is to work towards making a less strict gender ruled society and decrease the pressure and limits on each gender to act a certain way. By doing this the number of people from one gender wanting to identify with the other will decrease because of decrease of the social restriction the transgender movement is trying to rebel against. At the end of the day, transgenderism is a medical condition where patients refuse to acknowledge and accept reality, and like any other, should be attempted to be fixed rather than embracing it as a lifestyle.


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