The importance of self-care


As we become adults we must begin thinking of ourselves first. Taking care of yourself and being mindful of what is happening around you is something we often forget to do.

We get so wrapped up working on a project that we lose sight of ourselves.

When I am working, I often forget to drink water or even go to the bathroom. There are always things to do, and procrastinating on self-care can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

As we become adults we must begin thinking of ourselves first. Taking care of yourself and being mindful of what is happening around you is something we often forget to do.

We get so wrapped up working on a project that we lose sight of ourselves.

When I am working, I often forget to drink water or even go to the bathroom. There are always things to do, and procrastinating on self-care can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.

Last semester, I became so involved in projects that I forgot to take care of the most important person, myself. My mom would tell me, “hey you need to make time to go to the doctors, and you need to take care of yourself.” I would respond with: “I do not have time for that.”

Regarding wellness and stability, you should always make time. Dr. Lissa Rankin teaches the importance of self-care in order to heal ourselves in her book Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

This new semester I am doing a lot, I am a full-time student and an editor at my school’s paper. Having time for myself is something I have had to implement – things like making several doctors appointments and checking in constantly with myself, doing some exercise and eating full meals.

We take care of ourselves differently, some have therapy sessions and some have a spa day to treat themselves. Whatever works for you is what you should do.

Sometimes you just need to take a break.

Give yourself time to go to the doctor, as well as attend therapy as needed.

Our body is a temple and we should respect it. Feed yourself, do some exercise and keep a healthy mind.

We want to do it all, we want to be part of all the projects, and we cannot. We need to respect ourselves and know that we cannot work ourselves into the ground.

Becoming mindful of how you can take care for yourself and following through is the best you can do to better yourself.