Tea by the sea to raise funds for art program

Courtesy photo

St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center is holding its 12th annual Tea by the Sea fundraiser on Jan. 18 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Marine Room in La Jolla.

Proceeds benefit the Sophie’s Gallery and Art Program in Downtown El Cajon. Sophie’s Gallery is a space where adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities can explore their creativity while working alongside their friends. Artists can choose from a variety of art media including weaving, sewing, quilting, mosaics, painting, printmaking, jewelry design, and crafts that are offered at the studio. Taking place at the iconic Marine Room, guests will be greeted with one-of-a-kind ocean views upon arrival and dine from a specialty menu created for the event. Along with traditional tea, this charming afternoon will also include complimentary signature cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, opportunity drawings, live music and shopping from Sophie’s Gallery. Guests are encouraged to dress in their favorite tea-time attire for the event. Gentlemen are welcome to attend.

The event will honor Maureen King, Angel Kleinbub, and Barbara Menard as Honorary Chairs. Limited seating is available, and valet parking is included. Tickets are available now starting at $160 per guest. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit teabythesea.org. For sponsorship opportunities, please contact 619-442-5129 (ext. 115) or events@stmsc.org.