Students at St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center to donate 50 Thanksgiving turkeys to Salvation Army


All students that attend SMSC are part of Self Advocacy,  part of the statewide program, People First. People First of California envisions all people with disabilities will have the opportunity to gain empowerment through unity and respect for each other.

All students that attend SMSC are part of Self Advocacy,  part of the statewide program, People First. People First of California envisions all people with disabilities will have the opportunity to gain empowerment through unity and respect for each other.

Debra Emerson, CEO of St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center, said, “Self-advocacy is a huge part of our mission at St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center.” She continued, “Our goal is to educate and empower individuals with developmental disabilities to realize their full potential.” One way SMSC does this is by teaching their students to help others less fortunate in our community and advocating for others to understand and accept individuals with disabilities.

St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center holds several dances throughout the year and the profits raised from these events will go towards supporting the Salvation Army and other local charities. Students at SMSC will use the profits earned from their fundraisers to donate 50 turkeys to the Salvation Army this Thanksgiving. Over the holiday season, the students will also purchase 25 bicycles for the Salvation Army’s Toys for Tots program and sponsor a family for Salvation Army’s Adopt-a-Family Program.