Santee Girl Scouts reach out to girls in Paris after attacks


Recent terrorist attacks in Paris, and the aftermath of vigilance throughout the world, made its way to the hearts of some young girls in Santee that felt that they should do something, thinking of girls their own age who were directly affected by the attacks. With the thoughts of them living in fear, being constantly on guard, the Local Girl Scout Troop 6048 of Santee decided to let their sister Girl Scouts in Paris know they are thinking of them.

Recent terrorist attacks in Paris, and the aftermath of vigilance throughout the world, made its way to the hearts of some young girls in Santee that felt that they should do something, thinking of girls their own age who were directly affected by the attacks. With the thoughts of them living in fear, being constantly on guard, the Local Girl Scout Troop 6048 of Santee decided to let their sister Girl Scouts in Paris know they are thinking of them.

“I reached out to a troop in Paris after the 11/13/15 terrorist attacks and I connected with a beautiful troop in Paris. We made green ribbon pins (representing Girl Scouts) to send and show our solidarity. Our troop is very special, they are always thinking of others,” said Troop Leader Sherrie Peregud.

Girl Scouts have a pledge, a promise that the troop is including in the card sent by the girls.

“It was lying on my heart when I saw on the news about the Paris attacks. I saw some young girls on the news and it reminded me that there are girls that are my troops age and it could have been anyone,” she said. “So I did some random e-mailing and phone calls because there are Girl Scouts throughout the world, and sure enough there were some troops in Paris.”

Peregud said she contacted them to say that she was sorry for what had happened, and that she had a Girl Scout troop that would like to send some cards and some pins.

“But mostly to let you know that there is a little town of Santee, CA that is thinking of you,” she said. “We have a sisterhood, whether you are in Santee or Paris, our sisterhood stands strong.”

Through some e-mails in English, Peregud set up this project with a local Paris troop called Compagnie de I’Etoile (Gathering of the Star) near Arc the Triomphe.

Aurore Defferrière, chief of a éclaireuses troop in Paris said the girls were excited about the connection between the two troops, nations apart.

“I would like to thank you on behalf of them for this very kind and heartwarming gesture,” she said.

Young in age, but large is heart here is what a few thoughts the troop’s girls had to say about reaching out to the troop in Paris.

“I feel good to be able to let them know we care,” – Abby.

“It feels good to know we are letting our sister’s in Girl Scouts know we are thinking of them,” – Twila.

“It’s nice to know we are being helpful,” – Marissa.


“I hope the girls will be happy to know we are doing something for them,” – Faith.