Recent area floodwaters have taken a toll at the Lions,Tigers & Bears educational facility and animal sanctuary in Alpine — and as the clean-up gets under way, facility officials are asking for help in the form of donations.
Mud flows swept dangerously close to several animal enclosures last week. The facility’s office and gift shop sustained water damage, and the venue’s many mounted exhibits must be removed so workers can assess damage to the walls.
None of the 93-acre sanctuary’s 60 animals was affected. Workers were able to drain flooded pools and scrape away mud, but the facility says it needs a longer-term solution to the flooding problem.
Operations supervisor Lisa Saneda said that it’s premature to place any dollar value on damages.
The community can donate to the nonprofit Lions, Tigers & Bears through its website, at
The no-kill, no contact, no-breed facility was founded in 2002 and is located at 24402 Martin Way, on the edge of the Cleveland National Forest. It underwent several habitat improvements and acquired new equipment in 2017.