Out of this world conclave will be down to earth, streamed

Courtesy photo The public is invited to a free open house Oct. 14, from 1-4 p.m., to learn more about the Space Brothers.

The Unarius Academy of Science in El Cajon is holding its two-day 40th Interplanetary Conclave of Light on Oct. 14 and 15.

In 1980, Ruth Norman (Uriel), cosmic visionary and cofounder of Unarius, initiated the Conclave of Light event to enlighten people to the reality that humankind exists throughout the universe and to acknowledge the tremendous, positive global changes that will result from contacts with extraterrestrials—the Space Brothers, as she called them. Throughout the Conclave event, attendees will learn more about the Space Brothers, advanced beings who reside on 32 planets of an Interplanetary Confederation in the Milky Way Galaxy. Norman mentally contacted these planetary leaders in the early 1970s.

“Planet Earth has been invited to become the 33rd linking member of this galactic ‘united nations,’ whose purpose is the betterment of humankind throughout the galaxy. Consequently, Uriel emphasized that we have much to look forward to here on Earth. In her words: ‘The future of planet Earth is positive and progressive,’” said Unarius Academy Board member Tracy Kennedy.

The public is invited to a free open house event on Saturday, Oct. 14, from 1-4 p.m., to learn more about the Space Brothers, their Inter planetary Confederation, and Earth’s positive future.

The afternoon will also feature a video montage of previous Conclave events; a performance by the Unarius choralliers, And the Angels Sing, a UFO panel with panelists sharing their firsthand UFO experiences; a presentation about the future role of artificial intelligence; and will conclude with the release of 33 white doves from the Unarius Space Cad. This vehicle will be parked in the Academy’s parking lot in front of a colorful, large mural. Sunday’s events will begin with a workshop, “Discover Your Past Lives,” based on the principles and practice of Past-Life Therapy. The two-hour interactive workshop will start at 10 a.m. Then participants will carpool from the Academy to visit the future landing site in Jamul, from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Sunday’s events will conclude with a mental communication with the Space Brothers, from 7:30 to approximately 9:00 p.m. The cost to attend the workshop is $15 per person and admission for the Sunday evening event is also $15.

Kennedy said the Unarius Academy is a 100% volunteer organization. Kennedy said the Confederation plans on helping Earth solve many of its problems, such as learning how to repopulate the planet, grow food, how to build housing, and have a society living in harmony with spirit and technology.

“The whole purpose of this is for all of us on planet Earth, when we have an open awareness, we will once again have contact with beings from these other planets, and work together to help each other to grow, to travel back and forth via spacecraft,” said Kennedy. “This is nothing new to planet Earth. People have just lost the psychic memory of that. Our planet is not in a very good state right now, but we do have a very positive future and Unarius, and Uriel has said this many times, there is nothing to be afraid of if we accept responsibility for ourselves and open ourselves to personal growth. These space brothers will not interfere with us in any way. They will not land on this planet until we send them our mental green light of welcome. Obviously, they do not want to come and be shot down because we are still fearful.”

Kennedy said whenever this happens, Earth has a wonderful opportunity to learn from these other beings who have overcome horrible problems.

“What this event is about is sharing with everyone that we have a positive future, and people in other worlds are loving, kind, and far more intelligent than we are, and not to be fearful of them” she said. “Recognize that they want to be our friends and serve as examples of how they have learned to work with spiritual principles and live a better life. More peaceful. More creative. More inspirational. And we too, can do that when we learn to take responsibility and learn to understand ourselves as energy beings.”

Kennedy said at the event, people will be able to see historical footage from previous conclave events, to interact with students, to walk around and see the Unarius Academy. She said the dove release signifies the 33 planets in the Milky Way Galaxy in the Interplanetary Confederation.

“The whole weekend is concluded with a mental transmission from the Unarius space brothers,” she said. “It is an exciting weekend.”

Kennedy said everyone can receive and send information mentally, but many people are more sensitive to this.

“What Unarius teaches is that we all have this higher self. We all have this lower self,” she said. “In this higher self, we are much more creative, intuitive, and constantly sending and receiving thoughts whether we are aware of it or not. As we develop our psychic abilities, and become more aware of that, we can receive information of a higher intelligent nature. It might be in the form of a painting that inspires. The ‘Mona Lisa’ is a great example of that. Or it could be poetry, or some writing. People say they do not know how that happened, they just stepped aside, and someone came through. What happens with mental transmission is all these beings from other planets, and other planets beyond the Interplanetary Confederation, are aware of what we are doing here on Earth during this weekend. They are constantly projecting healing rays of love and light to all of us. It is like a beautiful beam of energy waves being projected to us.”

Kennedy said that all events, except for the trip to the landing site, will be on Zoom and free to everyone.

For more information, visit www.unarius.org.