Letter to the Editor: Republican party needs to return to roots


Dear Editor,


The Republican Party has changed – the values that it used to champion have been overshadowed by finger-pointing and yelling.

We’ve gone from a party that used to run on the core values of faith, freedom and limited government to one that is more concerned about owning the libs; and our elected officials no longer seem to believe that they were sent to Washington to represent those who elected them.

Dear Editor,


The Republican Party has changed – the values that it used to champion have been overshadowed by finger-pointing and yelling.

We’ve gone from a party that used to run on the core values of faith, freedom and limited government to one that is more concerned about owning the libs; and our elected officials no longer seem to believe that they were sent to Washington to represent those who elected them.

There is no better example of this than Congressman Duncan Hunter who is widely known for irresponsible spending and throwing his wife under the bus, rather than any significant legislative accomplishments.

I can no longer stay silent as the party I’ve believed in for so long falls apart.

This moment in history is too important to allow such poor representation to continue in Washington. We cannot allow this man, or any official acting with disregard for their constituents, to remain in office.

If the Republican Party is to go back to its roots, then we must stand firm and not support those who give the Republican Party a bad name.

Elizabeth Niemann

El Cajon resident