Being grateful is the key to life. The more grateful we become, the less we need. The less we want because we already have a lot. We have health, shelter, close relationships. What else can we ask for?
Being grateful is the key to life. The more grateful we become, the less we need. The less we want because we already have a lot. We have health, shelter, close relationships. What else can we ask for?
2017 is coming to an end. It was an interesting year that left us conflicted, at least in the media industry. 2018 is coming and it can be phenomenal, that’s on us. It is time to say goodbye to 2017 and thank it for its time. Let’s review negative situations and make them positive for the memories of this year.
Think back to all the relationships that were ruined, the ones that ended. They ended for a reason. Look at things in a positive way, say thank you because they were there at the time needed. Notice that losing them was not a bad thing. Letting go of old friendships that were doing you no good, doesn’t mean they were always bad relationships. Sometimes it is time to admit that things don’t last forever and it was time to say goodbye.
Let’s be happy for those who past away this year because wherever they are they are at peace and even if you can’t feel them their spirit is here with you. Enjoy your family, a family is not always blood, so enjoy the people around you, your community. Be happy that you made it to another year.
Clean your home, get rid of things that no longer make you happy. We tend to keep things around for situational purposes, “if I go there then I will need it.” If it is not being used let go of it. Get rid of old clothes that you don’t wear anymore, donate them and help your community, and yourself. Holding, keeping things that we don’t need are cluttering our atmosphere, literally and emotionally.
If you have a mess area, such as your closet or garage, clean it. Start the year fresh, your mind will thank you later. Clutter affects our brain, “it bombards our minds with excessive stimuli (visual, olfactory, tactile), causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t necessary or important. It inhibits creativity and productivity by invading the open spaces that allow most people to think, brainstorm, and problem solve,” according to Psychology Today.
Do not make new years resolutions if you know that you will not accomplish them. Be true to yourself, start the year with a thank you letter. Be grateful and embrace the upcoming year. Daydream of the possibilities, the accomplishments you want to fulfill, but do not compress it into a list.
Be grateful and happy, take the wheel and begin your journey. Sometimes we get so caught up in life that we don’t take time for our loved ones or ourselves. Show them that you are here to love and accompany them on their journey as they are joining you. Don’t be afraid, what do you have to lose if you are truly happy?
“You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection,” said Gautama Buddha.