Horses slaughtered for human consumption inhumane


Sometimes I go to many events just because I want to be part of it. Not wanting to bother with the work involved in covering our community events, I go because I love the event, the people behind it and the cause that it serves. And the cost has to be within my pay range. This is the case with the Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society’s Wild West Casino Night. And it meets all of my conditions. It is affordable, it is a lot of fun with great people and most of all I love the charities that it serves. Rescuing horses.

Sometimes I go to many events just because I want to be part of it. Not wanting to bother with the work involved in covering our community events, I go because I love the event, the people behind it and the cause that it serves. And the cost has to be within my pay range. This is the case with the Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society’s Wild West Casino Night. And it meets all of my conditions. It is affordable, it is a lot of fun with great people and most of all I love the charities that it serves. Rescuing horses.

This year’s Wild West Casino Night 6 is another one not to be missed. It is such a fun evening of entertainment and the gambling for opportunity drawing tickets is a popular event and there are always some phenomenal opportunity drawings and silent auction items that even those of us on a budget can afford to participate on.

I’ve talked about this before, but it deserves recognition again as the slaughter of horses here in the U.S. has become forefront with lawmakers on both sides. If you do your research you will be shocked at many that are supporting this, just a recently as a couple of weeks ago.

Horses are beautiful creatures and many are neglected and mistreated. There’s an old saying, “Old horses go to the glue factory” and there is a lot of truth to that. Many years ago, many states put in regulations that protected horses from the slaughterhouses. But many states have and are allowing the business of slaughterhouses to grow again. This is not a kind euthanasia of a beloved horse, this is the killing of horses for human consumption overseas. But it is getting worse, they want to bring the slaughterhouses back to America, and perhaps on your dinner table. This is an ongoing battle between both sides of the corral, and many organizations and lawmakers are fighting hard not to let the horse slaughter industry back into the U.S. 

Horse slaughter is not euthanasia. According to the ASPCA an average of 137,000 American horses are trucked over our borders to be slaughtered for human consumption, and our Congress has done nothing to stop this. In July the Appropriations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives gave the green light for the reopening of horse slaughter plants in the U.S. In August, Republican lawmakers voted to allow horses to be slaughtered in the United States for human consumption. This was met with harsh reactions from Republicans around the U.S. who are notably against this idea and have supported the banning of this in America for decades now. It is claimed that slaughter will help overpopulations, but most believe sterilization is a much better answer. Even sadder, the HAC signed the death warrant for wild mustangs and burros that are managed by the Bureau of Land Management. This was all done shortly after President Trump upheld the ban for the slaughter of horses for human consumption. So now the problem is growing from American industries slaughtering horses by sending them across the borders, creating the ability for more slaughterhouses to open in states across America. This is simply inhumane.

I fully understand that the U.S. is an exception when it came to the eating of horsemeat and in my travels I have seen many countries that eat meat from animals that we would not even think of unless we were starving. But as a nation, we are not. So supporting these horse rescue centers is important to me and many other people. Some deal with rehabilitation and finding a family like our local dog and cat rescue centers and others simply give an old horse a good place and a humanitarian way of dying.

That is one reason that Wild West Casino Night is so popular and well attended. It is a cause worthwhile and the Victorian Ladies ensure it is an evening packed full of fun and good people. Thank you for your cause of helping horse rescue centers and as a community we should let our representatives know that horse slaughtering is not acceptable here, or anywhere else in America.