County, Lemon Grove hosting food justice community forum

The County of San Diego Office of Sustainability and Environmental Justice is developing a Food Justice Community Plan to address challenges of food access and food insecurity. Strongly focused on community input to inform the action plan, which goes before the Board of Supervisors in December, the OSEJ is also partnering with other county departments such as Public Health and Agriculture, Weights & Measures to develop the action plan by facilitating several community roundtables. The community roundtable are being held in person at various locations around the county:

Saturday, Sep. 7, 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Lemon Grove County Library

Tribal Communities Focus Roundtable, Tuesday, Sep 10, 6 – 7:30 p.m.: Valley Center County Library

For more information about the Food Justice Community Action Plan and to register for a roundtable near your community, visit

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