Charges filed in decade old sex abuse cases

Charges were announced Oct. 4 by San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephen against two men, Brad Christian Davis, 40, and David Hott, 34, in connection with an ongoing investigation of sexually abusing students at Christian Youth Theater San Diego in El Cajon.

Davis, a former employee, is charged with one felony count of sexual penetration by a foreign object involving a then 16-year-old in 2010. If convicted, Davis faces up to three years in state prison.

Hott is charged with two felony counts of lewd and lascivious act on a child under the age of 14 that occurred in 2007 involving a 13-year-old and if convicted could face up to 10 years in state prison.

Judge Michael Groch set bail at $100,000 for each defendant awaiting future court dates.

Founded in 1981, Christian Youth Theater is an after-school theater program for students ages 14-18, teaching drama, voice, dance, and behind the scenes training, with currently 24 CYT branches across the nation.

Stephan said that protecting children from sexual predators and making sure they are not revictimized during the criminal justice process is her “top priority,” in a press release.

“Victims in this case whose abuse was beyond the statute of limitations still provided valuable information and evidence that allowed their voices to be heard and will allow us to seek justice,” she stated.

The District Attorney was able to file charges under a law that provides a longer statute of limitations in certain legal circumstances.

The D.A. noted that in instances where charges cannot be filed, the victim is still an integral part of achieving justice in the overall case because the courts may allow for “pattern evidence” to be admitted as a piece of circumstantial evidence in cases involving sexual assaults.

“Most people who experience childhood sexual abuse delay disclosure of the abuse or choose never to disclose it because of fear, embarrassment, shame, or the stigma attached to being a sexual assault victim.”

The District Attorney’s Office and San Diego Police are asking for any additional victims to come forward.  Anyone with more information is urged to call the San Diego Police Department.

“I’d like to thank all of the victims for their courage in coming forward and our Sex Crimes Detectives for working diligently on this case with the District Attorney’s Office,” stated San Diego Police Chief David Nisleit. “We must hold these individuals responsible for their actions, so they don’t have the opportunity to harm more children in the future.”

Although CYT has taken down its Facebook pages, since July of 2020, when allegations began to surface, several people have claimed sexual misconduct, sexual abuse, racism, and sexual orientation discrimination by CYT personnel under #CYTKnew.