Around Lakeside-Lakeside has a new Sheriff in town, a substation that is


Hugs, handshakes and congratulations abound at the grand opening of the Lakeside Sheriff Station on May 26. The former administration office of the Lakeside Fire District was transformed into the new 5,000 square foot Sheriff offices, occupied on May 15.

Hugs, handshakes and congratulations abound at the grand opening of the Lakeside Sheriff Station on May 26. The former administration office of the Lakeside Fire District was transformed into the new 5,000 square foot Sheriff offices, occupied on May 15.

The parking lot reception area was full of sheriff deputies, firemen, politicians, mounted deputies, beagle search dogs and Lakeside residents who came to see for themselves the much anticipated home for the police force in town. Kinsey Pipkin sang the National Anthem and Leon Hostetter, the Chaplain for the Sheriff, said a prayer.

San Diego County Sheriff Bill Gore said a few words of encouragement and spoke of the continued efforts of law enforcement in Lakeside and East County. This office will have deputies, detectives, crime suppression units and the response time for calls will go down. They will serve the unincorporated area of East County that is 81 square miles with 70,000 residents. “We will do community policing and be closer to those we serve,” said Lieutenant George Caldron, in charge of the officers and facility.

San Diego County Supervisor Dianne Jacob said that Lakesiders must be very humble because no one was sitting in the two rows reserved for VIP seating. She gave credit to Denna Raver and Jody Mays for ram-rodding the project through and the Lakeside Chamber of Commerce for supporting the project along the way.

“This is a grand day for Lakeside but a bad day for law breakers,” said Jacob.

Jacob, who has always been an advocate for public safety mentioned that the releasing of non-violent criminals from prisons creates more of a challenge for the officers, and she said that the Lakeside Revitalization Sub Committee had been identifying community problems and was hunting for a building site for a few years. The $3.1 million in improvements to the recycled building was paid for in cash by the County, which saved a lot of money. The remodel of the Sheriff Station created 120 jobs and there are 48 deputies working from this office.

“We are blessed to have people willing to risk their lives to save ours, they give the ultimate sacrifice,” said Jacob. “When they leave home in the morning they don’t know if they will becoming back.”

Following the speeches and ribbon cutting by Jacob, Gore, Caldron and other dignitaries, the public was invited to tour the new facility that included a holding cell for inmates, many offices and cubbies, kitchen, and bulletproof glass at the reception desk.

The new Sheriff Station is located at 12365 Parkside Avenue. It will be manned 24 hours a day. Doors will be open for business from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. A telephone call box at the gate that can be used by the public after hours for immediate help is to be installed in the near future.


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