A message to your sensitive side


My mom taught me that crying is a weak alert to the brain. That crying makes your immune system weaker, since it is linked to sadness and negative connotations such as depression. I held back from crying because I did not want to disappoint her. I make my own decisions now and regret this one the most. 

Whenever she sees me crying she asks whether it was a sad cat video or a serious situation. Her reaction will depend on my answer. 

My mom taught me that crying is a weak alert to the brain. That crying makes your immune system weaker, since it is linked to sadness and negative connotations such as depression. I held back from crying because I did not want to disappoint her. I make my own decisions now and regret this one the most. 

Whenever she sees me crying she asks whether it was a sad cat video or a serious situation. Her reaction will depend on my answer. 

You might think that crying over a cat video is stupid but you are unaware of the person’s feelings. They might be going through something private and that stupid cat video helped them release the emotions they been holding on to.

The person might be sensitive and a video like this gets to them easily. And that is okay. 

Not feeling entitled to your own emotions is an issue that does not receive a lot of attention. Are we scared to open up? Maybe. Have you ever shared your feelings with someone and they respond by saying that other people have it worse? There will always be someone higher and lower than you. Just because someone has it worse that does not mean that your issues are non-existent. They are very real. You know this because you are experiencing it right this second! Do not let anyone tell you how you should feel and whether you can cry about it or not.

I wanted my mom to see me as strong, so I stopped myself from crying. At least in front of her.

My family is loving and united, we are “strong”. I can count the times I’ve seen my family members cry. It’s rare and it has affected me more than I thought. I want to be strong like them, and crying was not on the to-do list.

I want you to know that it is okay to cry. It is okay to be sad. Sadness and depression are not the same thing. 

At times you feel like crying for no specific reason. Your body is sending you a message, do not ignore it. You might be stressed, repressed, and anxious and it is important to let go. 

Notice that when I talk about crying it can be due to happiness, sadness or anger, it is not limited.

Holding back has caused me physical and emotional pain. Having anxiety and repressed feelings is not a great combo. Do not let it build up. It consumes you with feelings of confusion, emptiness and many times it presents as anger. It does not matter if you are 11, 21 or 42! You are entitled to your feelings and the way you react towards them.

We become so busy that we forget to treat ourselves first. You were upset earlier, and you still are, but do not have time to deal with it. 

Allow yourself to feel. Feel it all over your body, release, and start a new day. 

Allow yourself to be here, 100% in your thoughts and feelings. Cry when you need to, no judgment here.

“Crying doesn’t indicate that you’re weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign you are alive,” said Charlotte Brontë.