There is a reoccurring phenomenon within the masses of young people that happens every four years during the presidential race.
There is a reoccurring phenomenon within the masses of young people that happens every four years during the presidential race.
According to a government study, voting percentage within the ages of 18 to 24 are the lowest of all the age groups with their largest voting percentage being 50.9 percent in 1964 and their lowest voting percentage at 38 percent in 2012. Furthermore, the next lowest age group is more than 10 points ahead of those aging from 18 to 24, and the age group after that is over 20 points over.
So why do young people not vote? “My vote doesn’t matter,” and “The president has already been picked by special interests,” are 2 of the most common phrases that young people like to throw out during voting season. And it is a ridiculous notion.
A majority of young people, and some from later generations, believe that politics do not serve their interests. Politicians only care about big corporations and special interests. But the truth is, politics do not serve their interests because they do not vote.
If young people or, the millennial generation,” had a voting percentage of 70 to 80 percent, politics would bend over backwards for the younger generation.
Young people have a significant amount of power in the government and rightfully so. Young people are the generation who will be dealing with the impact or benefitting from political choices. The problem is when those between the ages of 18 and 24, and any age group, does not vote. When the citizens of a democracy do not vote, democracy does not work.
And we have all seen this before—special interest groups, the voter suppression, and voting fraud.
A recent occurrence of this just happened in the Nevada caucus. DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, took a verbal vote and claimed more people said, “I” than “Nay,” which was obviously inaccurate. And she is going to get away with it because not enough of us care.
The United States is privileged with a democracy; many places in the world do not even have a democracy. The worst part about this is the United States has uncanny potential to be a great democracy rather than, as I believe, is currently an oligarchy. But we can still turn this around with two easy steps.
Do not take our democracy for granted, and vote. If you are tired of politics as usual, special interest groups, voter suppression, and voter fraud, voting is the most powerful thing you can do to change these things.
If you are registered in California, voting is on June 7. If not, get registered and vote in the general election.
Democrat, Republican, Green Party, Independent and all, if you want politics to serve you, then go vote.