The expiration date

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Four months into 2018 and it already holds a crazy roller coaster of emotions from my family. Life is like aticking bomb; it explodes in moments you least expect. The unfortunate back-to-back deaths in my family made me appreciate life more and cherish those around as well.

Four months into 2018 and it already holds a crazy roller coaster of emotions from my family. Life is like aticking bomb; it explodes in moments you least expect. The unfortunate back-to-back deaths in my family made me appreciate life more and cherish those around as well.

Living our lives with an expiration date on our back seems like a tough thing to do. I get it, we feel rushed to accomplish our dreams and feel obligated to do things in our lives to title us as experienced. Although life is not easy and simple, slow down and take time to treasure and value everything around you.

I think to myself how my life would be without those who make it enjoyable and loving. Would I still be the same person I am today? I religiously think about the “what if’s” and question why I was blessed with the amazing people in my life.

You never truly realize how much someone has impacted your life until they are gone. It is saddening how we take these things for granted and how long it takes for us to grasp that.

Whether someone has a temporary or long-term stay in your life, cherish them while they are still around. It is pretty easy to get caught up in the world and to forget about those who love you unconditionally. Take advantage of their presence because you never know if they will be here tomorrow. Apologize for giving them a hard time the other day, or thank them for sticking with you through the hard times.

Little things are what matters the most. Take those extra steps to let them know they are appreciated and loved. Create new and spontaneous memories together even if you live thousands of miles apart.

As we get older, we will soon meet hands with the expiration date on our back. We want to be able to reminisce and smile at the moments we had with our loved ones. So, make time for those still around and live in the moment as if there were no tomorrow.