With the primary election just around the corner, much of America’s focus has been on whom each party will elect as their representative for the 2016 presidential. One thing that I have noticed in recent months is that with nominees like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, I have never seen my friends as involved with politics as they are now.
With the primary election just around the corner, much of America’s focus has been on whom each party will elect as their representative for the 2016 presidential. One thing that I have noticed in recent months is that with nominees like Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, and Bernie Sanders, I have never seen my friends as involved with politics as they are now. But as good as it is to see the younger generation taking an interest in politics, it is clear that there is one area that seems to be widely ignored by the average American, and that is state, city, and local politics.
City politicians are arguably in charge of the legislation that most directly affects you. Things like zoning, city planning, and school board meetings all happen at a city or local level, and all are just as important and relevant as any other form of politics. And despite all that they seem to control, people still barely seem to give city and local politicians a second thought.
While it is very important to stay informed with national politics and federal elections, it is also important to note that state governments and local governments handle and pass a lot more legislation than the federal government does. So it is a little unnerving to know how much legislation is actually passed without the full attention of the people.
State and local politics can often be plagued with bribes and funding from private institutions. Not only that but the many of the politicians have been caught up in scandals, and even instances of other illegal activity like drug use or drunk driving. But many of these people are able to find ways of getting out of trouble and are even sometimes re elected arguably because people did not care or were ignorant of what was happening.
And many politicians run unopposed every election cycle, meaning that sometimes there is not even a choice when it comes to the election. This is a real problem that pervades American society and yet people seem to care very little or not at all when it comes down to voting day. This is the mentality that allows for these things to happen and that allows these people into power at the end of the day.
It is important that my generation changes its ignorant attitude towards the smaller aspects of government and makes an effort to work with and change the system for the better. If we do not pay attention to the politics that happen around us everyday that could affect us for the rest of our lives, then we are personally inviting in the potential for corruption.