Kindness is as simple as a heartfelt compliment but can effortlessly turn someone’s day from gloomy to brilliant. Nothing feels quite as wonderful as receiving acts of kindness but even more so delivering kindness to others. It is easy to get caught up in busy schedules and endless engagements, but do not let your life stop you from partaking in simple moments of satisfying kindness.
Kindness is as simple as a heartfelt compliment but can effortlessly turn someone’s day from gloomy to brilliant. Nothing feels quite as wonderful as receiving acts of kindness but even more so delivering kindness to others. It is easy to get caught up in busy schedules and endless engagements, but do not let your life stop you from partaking in simple moments of satisfying kindness.
Too often people overlook the importance of kindness. However, kindness is inspiring and has the power to heal humanity. When someone reaches out to you with generosity, that good will becomes contagious and suddenly you are left searching for a place to contribute your own care to the world. Kindness allows everyone, of all backgrounds and situations, to help change the world into a better place.
It is sad that friendly, kind interactions are so rare. It seems more likely to converse with someone who is rude rather than kind, and while this makes kind interactions all the more special, it should be the other way around. I always feel heart warmed when someone goes even the slightest bit out of their way to show generosity but I also find myself a bit surprised. I for one would love to see a world where kindness is commonplace.
Kindness starts with holding the door open for someone or smiling at a passing stranger, and from there—there are no limits. Kindness does not have to be extravagant. The only requirement is to be genuine. Buy someone flowers just because, pay for yourself and the person behind you in line at a restaurant tip well, fill expired meters, and although these examples involve spare money, kindness truly is priceless. Compliment a stranger’s outfit, thank those who have helped you in life, recognize a co-worker’s hard work, and suddenly you will see that nothing can parallel the incredible feeling of being responsible for making someone smile.
Throughout the day, you cannot avoid obstacles, but by starting or continuing a stream of kindness, facing these daily struggles becomes less challenging. Similarly, you never really know what challenges someone else is dealing with, and while a small act of kindness may be insignificant to you, it could help someone more than you know. We should strive to make the world a place where, when we reflect on our days, they are full of countless acts of kindness.