La Mesa’s ‘jewel in our hills’ Cecile Brown turns 100


Cecile Brown was born on July 22, 1916, in Queen City, Missouri. Her childhood was spent on her family farm with her father, mother, two sisters and one brother. She graduated from college with a BS Degree in Education from Northeast College in Missouri, and received her Master’s Degree from San Diego State. Brown thoroughly enjoyed being a schoolteacher from 1944 through 1972 for the San Diego City School District. Cecile Brown and her husband, Marine Captain James R. Brown, and P. O. W. survivor and accomplished artist- bought their home in 1960.

Cecile Brown was born on July 22, 1916, in Queen City, Missouri. Her childhood was spent on her family farm with her father, mother, two sisters and one brother. She graduated from college with a BS Degree in Education from Northeast College in Missouri, and received her Master’s Degree from San Diego State. Brown thoroughly enjoyed being a schoolteacher from 1944 through 1972 for the San Diego City School District. Cecile Brown and her husband, Marine Captain James R. Brown, and P. O. W. survivor and accomplished artist- bought their home in 1960.

During the time her husband served in the Marines, Cecile Brown learned to speak and write in Chinese, while stationed in China. She continued to live in the same house, after her husband passed away, about 27 years ago, and is still residing as the original homeowner—56 years (and counting). Cecile Brown is a voracious reader, talented artist and passionate art admirer, and loved to travel. She is “sharp as a tack,” as she continues to amaze listeners, while effortlessly reciting lengthy poems, from memory.

Cecile Brown has been attending the annual Small Image Show, held in Gallery 21 in Balboa Park’s Spanish Village Art Center, since its inception in 1976, of which her husband, Jim, is a founding father. After each show, she continues to honor her husband and support to local artists by purchasing a piece of art each year. Although she has not been able to personally attend the Small Image Art Show the past few years, she has sent an entrusted proxy to be present and purchase an art-piece on her behalf. She is inspirational to her friends and the families in her neighborhood of La Mesa. The stories of her childhood and life are endearing, enthusiastic, poignant and as fun as she is.

Cecile Brown immensely enjoyed her centurion celebration, with many dear friends joining her. Festive balloons, lots of delicious food, sweet treats and an arrangement of 100 roses to honor the birthday girl, were a part of the joyous occasion, as well as her singing some of her favorite oldies-but-goodies songs, along with the lovely and talented San Diego singer/musician Suzanne Shea Reed. One of the songs was, “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” which was very fitting for her, being a big, long-time Padres fan. Cecile Brown is a very special jewel to all who know her. All are blessed to be her friends and honorary family. Happy 100th birthday Cecile Brown!