Downtown El Cajon’s 69th Mother Goose Parade


There is a lot to be said about tradition. It bonds family, friends and community. And approaching its 70th birthday, the Mother Goose Parade is one of East County’s finest traditions. This is where the East County community gathers in El Cajon to celebrate all that East County has to offer as a community. And thousands come every year to spend the morning in El Cajon for this signature event.

There is a lot to be said about tradition. It bonds family, friends and community. And approaching its 70th birthday, the Mother Goose Parade is one of East County’s finest traditions. This is where the East County community gathers in El Cajon to celebrate all that East County has to offer as a community. And thousands come every year to spend the morning in El Cajon for this signature event.

The city of El Cajon and the East County community held nothing back with this year’s theme “Super Heroes.” From high school marching bands to those who protect and serve, the 69th Mother Goose Parade entertained thousands of all ages, following up with the Mother Goose Village held at Parkway Plaza, also the sponsor for this year’s Santa Float.

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells stated that he has fond memories as a small boy with his father, watching the bands, floats and horses.

“Memories of the Mother Goose Parade are mixed in with my childhood, and I’m so glad that today’s kids will continue that tradition,” he stated.

Always held the weekend before Thanksgiving, this year’s parade included more than 100 parade entries, marching bands, clowns, East County’s best in horsemanship, charities, Hollywood stars and up and coming entertainers. City, county and state leaders joined in the fun on foot or float, along with the support of El Cajon’s 2015 pageant ambassadors, it was another successful year for El Cajon and the Mother Goose Parade Association.