District approves accountability plan


The Santee School District Board of Education approved the 2024-25 Local Control and Accountability Plan on June 18. The LCAO is a three-year plan describing goals, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities.

School districts receive funding from different sources, including state funding. Part of California’s funding model gives school districts more dollars, and flexibility in deciding how to use those dollars, based on the enrollment of marginalized student groups (foster youth, English learners, and low-income students). In exchange, school districts work with parents, educators, students, and the community to develop a LCAP that shows how they will collectively use these funds to serve students.

The recently Board-approved 2024-25 LCAP contains three goals and subsequent priorities in the areas of Academic Achievement, Social Emotional Well-Being, and Parent and Community Engagement.

The district’s first goal focuses on strategies to improve student learning and demonstrate annual growth in academic achievement in all content areas. Strategies include:

A change in the professional development model for staff, shifting to job embedded coaching to provide school site-based coaching to more fully support the depth and complexity of teacher needs in the classroom today.

Increased foundational skill (phonics) programs in kindergarten through 2nd grade.

Focus on early intervention and least restrictive environments for students with special needs.

Teachers and adding instructional materials and technology to maximize student growth in math and science.

Supporting the social and emotional well-being of students, while promoting positive and inclusive classroom environments, is the district’s second goal. The district plans to strengthen connections and foster a sense of belonging with all students in several ways, including:

Increasing opportunities for Visual and Performing Arts Physical Education/Sports, and other high interest electives.

Providing professional development for staff on student socio-emotional needs, well-being, mental health, and behavioral supports.

Implementation of a comprehensive student attendance improvement plan.

Celebrating the many cultures and backgrounds of our students through reading, events, and other activities.

Increased monitoring and support for socio-economically disadvantaged students, foster youth, multilingual learners, and students with disabilities.

The district’s third goal is dedicated to developing and sustaining campus environments in which parents and community members feel welcome and their participation is valued and encouraged.

The district aims to achieve this through creating welcoming environments for all families who want to be on campus by:

Celebrating diverse voices, through participation in Board Advisory Committees, parent led committees, and events.

Continuing the Multicultural Festival and Expanded Learning Programs Global Spotlight Program.

Supporting the work of the district’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion committee and creating monthly themes to celebrate the district’s diverse population.

Expanding in-class and on campus opportunities for volunteers.

Translating all formal communications from schools and the district into Spanish and Arabic, and other languages when possible.

For more information about the 2024-25 LCAP, please visit santeesd.net/LCAP.

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