Dianne’s Corner


News and notes from County Supervisor Dianne Jacob


Some rural landowners became eligible for lower propertyi nsurance rates starting Jan. 1, thanks to improved fire protection ratings.

Many parcels in these communities are expected to be eligible: Boulevard, Campo, Deerhorn Valley,Dehesa,Descanso,Dulzura, Harbison Canyon,Jacumba,Jamul, Lake Morena,Pine Valley,Potrero,SantaYsabel, ShelterValley and Tecate.

For moreinformationcontactyourinsurancecompanyor theCountyFire Authorityat858-974-5999.

News and notes from County Supervisor Dianne Jacob


Some rural landowners became eligible for lower propertyi nsurance rates starting Jan. 1, thanks to improved fire protection ratings.

Many parcels in these communities are expected to be eligible: Boulevard, Campo, Deerhorn Valley,Dehesa,Descanso,Dulzura, Harbison Canyon,Jacumba,Jamul, Lake Morena,Pine Valley,Potrero,SantaYsabel, ShelterValley and Tecate.

For moreinformationcontactyourinsurancecompanyor theCountyFire Authorityat858-974-5999.

Thebetterfireprotectionratingsreflect thecounty’seffortsto beefupservices acrossthe region. Thecountyhasinvestedmorethan $400millionsince2003in improvedfire and emergencyservices.

Game over

While  I will miss the Chargers players and their contributions to the community, all I can say to Mr. Spanos is good riddance. He betrayed San Diego fans and that's something a lot of us won't ever forget.

I think we now have an opportunity to turnt he Qualcomm Stadium site into a regional attraction we can all be proud of, with perhaps a world-class entertainment and sports complex, facilities for San DiegoState and park space to make the most of its riverside location.

A new term

Sheriff Bill Gore recently did me the great honor of swearing me in for a historic seventh term. I am deeply grateful for the trust that East County voters have placed in me over the years. I will continue to do all I can to live up to that trust.

I’ve also been named the 2017 chairwoman of theBoard ofSupervisors. I’m scheduled to deliver the annual State of the County address on Feb.1.Contact my office for details.

For moreDistrict2news, go to   www.diannejacob.com or follow me on Facebook and Twitter. If I can assist with a county issue, please call my offic eat 619-531-5522 or email dianne.jacob@sdcounty.ca.gov.

Have agreat East County day!
