Center tackles food insecurity

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East County Transitional Living Center, a nonprofit providing emergency housing, job training and other critical need services to combat homelessness, joined two other San Diego-area groups to stage a large-scale fruit and vegetable giveaway Feb. 13. The giveaway, at the center’s headquarters in El Cajon, distributed half of a 53- foot refrigerated trailer filled with fresh fruits and vegetables to families facing food insecurity,

“We want every family to have access to fresh, high-quality fruits and vegetables regardless of their financial situation,” said Dr. Julie Hayden, executive director for East County Transitional Living Center in a press release.

ECTLC joined Bienestar is Wellbeing, a nonprofit food distributor, and Molina Healthcare, a multistate health care company, leading the giveaway. This event was free and open to the public.

For more than 19 years, East County Transitional Living Center is a nonprofit organization focused on ending homelessness in San Diego County. Its core programs include emergency housing, a one-year ministry-based recovery program, family restoration and workforce training. For more information, visit