The idea of being a writer appeals to many wannabes. Dreams of popularity fuel their hope. The reality is that writing is a solitary activity demanding self-discipline. Writers need each other’s encouragement and focus. East County Writers, who meet at the Rancho San Diego
The idea of being a writer appeals to many wannabes. Dreams of popularity fuel their hope. The reality is that writing is a solitary activity demanding self-discipline. Writers need each other’s encouragement and focus. East County Writers, who meet at the Rancho San Diego
Library in El Cajon twice a month, get the community and commitment that help shape their writing goals.
Formed as a Meet-Up group in 2011, Robert Larkins is the current leader of the group. The members take turns in reading their material and take suggestions.
“It’s so interesting that we so often have two people writing about a subject, though usually coming at it from a very different angle,” Larkins said.
The group also discusses matters such as how to write a book proposal. Since there are several published writers in East County Writers, the talk is simultaneously invigorating and realistic.
Keith Jones, who was the initial leader of the group, has had three mystery/thriller novels published through Salvo Press. His most recent book, “The suspicious Spouse,” was released in November 2010. He is often requested by the members to read a little from his books.
Carol Wells, a retired sex therapist who had previously written two non-fiction books, also writes thrillers. “There is something remarkable and warmly embracing about a group of wannabes artists who equally share the state, and then enthusiastically applaud, no matter how stretched the talent,” Wells said.
Having tried and rejected several writers groups in the past, Wells has found a home with East County Writers. She says that the small size and ready acceptance of the group has “hooked her.”
Another writer, David Jones, who calls himself the “Tall Poet,” has been to the group just a few times. He would go more often, but his work and life schedule hinder him from going more. Jones admitted to not having much new material to share, either.
“That being said, I love the time I spend with the writers’ group,” Jones said. “Larkins is a good host and helps to make sure everyone gets some time to read their stuff for the group.”
The next meeting of East County Writers is Aug. 16, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. To sign up go to